Eagle Group Blog (12)

What Is Lean Manufacturing?

Posted by Jeff Cook on 2018 Jan 24

Lean manufacturing helps manufacturers improve efficiency by eliminating waste in the production process, but what exactly is lean manufacturing? Is it a product, a procedure, a religion?

None of the above. Lean manufacturing is an adaptable set of “tools” that can be applied to any system of manufacturing–whether that system produces spring coils, jet engines or blog posts. It starts with identifying waste in a production process, and then focuses on eliminating that waste bit by bit until production is as streamlined and efficient as possible.

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Tags: Lean Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Efficiency

Measuring Standards: From Pharaohs' Forearms to the Speed of Light

Posted by Nik Seyferth on 2018 Jan 16


Modern manufacturing wouldn't be possible without rigorous standards of measurement, along with sophisticated tools and techniques to help us measure tools, workpieces and finished products.

CNC machining is a prime example of the practical uses of modern measuring, or metrology. In metal-based manufacturing, CNC machining is often the last process before a part is delivered. Without incredibly accurate and precise ways to measure and cut, many of the metal products we take for granted would be impossible to produce.

The history of measurement is the story of how human civilization strove to find new ways to measure accurately, and it all leads up to modern metrology.

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Tags: Machining, CNC Machining, Metrology, History

All About Al: Choosing the Right Aluminum Alloy

Posted by Jim Smith, Jr. on 2018 Jan 10


In manufacturing, aluminum is rarely pure. Instead, manufacturers form alloys that dramatically increase aluminum’s strength and stiffness, while maintaining its other desirable properties. Both professionals and non-professionals often make comparisons between aluminum and steel, because the two metals are both used for such a wide variety of products.

But comparing aluminum to steel is a bit like comparing apples to oranges: steel is already an alloy, while aluminum is an element. Carbon steel, a basic steel alloy, is composed of iron (Fe) and carbon (C). Pure aluminum, despite its many winning properties, is too soft and not strong enough for most industrial applications. But aluminum alloys can be thirty times stronger than pure aluminum, and regularly exceed steel in strength-to-weight ratios.

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Tags: Processes, Aluminum Casting, Aluminum, All About Al, Metals

Excellent Marks for Eagle Alloy, Inc.

Posted by Vikki Shonkwiler on 2018 Jan 3

Eagle Alloy, Inc. provided customers with its annual quality survey, and received excellent ratings for 2017.

On behalf of Eagle Alloy, we'd like to thank our customers for taking the time to fill out this survey, and we look forward to continued collaboration in 2018!

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Tags: Customer satisfaction, Testimonials, Eagle Group Values, Customer survey, Business Philosphy

The ABCs of ISO: Why Certifications Matter

Posted by Deb Pipoly on 2017 Dec 27


Whether your businesses is considering a new certification or you're shopping for a new supplier, it's important to know exactly what certifications can offer.

Here, we focus on the quality-based ISO 9001 standards. Over 1 million companies in over 170 countries meet ISO 9001 standards, but there are millions more that don't.

Read on to learn the difference between those that are certified...and those that aren't.

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Tags: ISO Certification, Certification, Compliance

Understanding Your Supply Chain

Posted by Jeff Cook on 2017 Dec 19


Supply Chain Management (SCM) is becoming more and more important in the manufacturing industry. Businesses around the world are taking a more active approach to supply chain management, resulting in smoother process integration, higher profits and more transparency.

Your supply chain is much more than just where your business sources raw materials, parts or other inputs. It's a long list of interactions, starting before raw material is even removed from the ground, and ending only when the end customer has a product in hand.

If your business is ignoring the supply chain, you could be left in the dark when it comes to supply chain disruptions, leading to unexpected losses.

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Tags: Manufacturing, Supply chain, supply chain management

9 Ways to Improve Manufacturing Efficiency

Posted by Nik Seyferth on 2017 Dec 12

Efficiency is good for any business. It doesn’t matter if your company is manufacturing or service oriented. Greater process efficiency always offers a wide range of benefits over "business as usual."

On a broad level, manufacturing more efficiently can help cut costs, improve throughput and reduce environmental impact.  All of these general benefits lead to additional benefits down the road, from increased sales and quality to improved company image.

Read on for 9 ideas to improve manufacturing efficiency.

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Tags: Lean Manufacturing, Processes, Manufacturing, Efficiency

All About Al: Aluminum's Winning Properties

Posted by Jim Smith, Jr. on 2017 Dec 7

Recently in our All About Al blog series we discussed aluminum's history and origins. Now we're getting deeper into why aluminum is the perfect material for manufacturing such a wide range of products.

Aluminum owes its versatility in manufacturing to a unique set of properties. These include:

  • Low melting temperature
  • Excellent malleability
  • Light weight
  • Corrosion resistance
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Tags: Aluminum Casting, Aluminum, Materials, All About Al

Foundry in a Box: Bringing Metalcasting to the Classroom

Posted by AJ Menefee on 2017 Dec 4


Ask a group of 5th graders what they want to be when they grow up, and you'll get a long list of answers: firefighter, detective, athlete, musician, astronaut. These (and other top kids' dream jobs) are certainly vital to our society, but as proud and forward-thinking manufacturers, we have to ask: Wouldn't you rather be a metal caster, or a machinist, or a Six Sigma coach?

Maybe the answer is "yes," but the issue is that not many kids have been asked this question. That's where programs like Foundry in a Box come in. Dedicated professionals in the manufacturing industry visit schools and introduce students to the basics of metalcasting, and manufacturing careers, through hands-on projects. Programs like this not only expand students' horizons, but they're also vital to the future of manufacturing in the United States.

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Tags: Metalcasting, Foundry in a Box, Education

How Shell Molding Compares to Other Metalcasting Methods

Posted by Jeff Cook on 2017 Nov 27

The shell mold process is unique and exhibits many advantages over other metal casting processes, but many people don’t fully understand its benefits.

In this installment of the Introduction to Shell Molding blog series, we will compare and contrast the shell mold process with investment casting and greensand casting methods.  It is important to keep in mind that all processes have their own appropriate applications. 

Based on your part's needs in terms of tolerances, production volume and surface finish, any one of these processes could be the ideal match.

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Tags: Shell Molding, Metalcasting, Processes, Introduction to Shell Molding

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