After Casting: Perfecting the Blasting Process
After a casting solidifies in the mold, the part undergoes a number of post processes to prepare it for delivery. One of the most commonly used post processes is blasting, an intensive cleaning process that removes debris and excess material from castings. At the Eagle Group, blasting plays a pivotal role in prepping casting surfaces for delivery or for further processing. Our latest investment in state-of-the-art stainless-steel grit and an optimized media blasting process is paying dividends for our customers and our employees by providing cleaner parts, less oxidation, and a safer workplace.
But getting to this point has been a years-long journey. Here's how we got here.
Tags: Lean Manufacturing, Eagle Alloy, Equipment, Continuous Improvement, Blasting
Eagle Alloy Upgrades Casting Facilities with New Airset Sand Mixer
The Eagle Group produces a wide variety of cast and machined products for many industries. One of our strengths as a company is our ability to employ different casting processes. Eagle Precision Cast Parts, for example, specializes in investment casting, and Eagle Alloy specializes in shell molding. When you tour the shop floor at Eagle Alloy, you’ll see our shell molding machines busy at work, turning out most of our order flow. But that’s not all we do: Eagle Alloy also houses a robust airset (no-bake) molding line to support our shell customers.
Tags: Eagle Alloy, Airset Casting, Facilities, Equipment
How a New Drum Blast Eliminated a Production Bottleneck
Eagle Alloy takes pride in our reputation as a world-class metalcasting facility, and we make sure every batch of castings is ready for the customer before it leaves our facility. In most cases, the final step before packing and shipping is blasting. The blasting process removes burrs, flash and other excess metal from cast parts and improves their overall surface.
Tags: Facilities, Equipment