Mark Hollenbeck

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Weld Repair Done Right
Eagle Group casting facilities consistently receive top marks in customer satisfaction, scrap rates and return rates, but even with our commitment to quality and rigorous product development process, our castings occasionally require post-solidification adjustments prior to delivery. "Across all of our 2,000-plus part numbers, under 10% of castings fall out for repair," according to Eagle Alloy Chief Sales Officer, Jeff Cook, "and some part numbers have 1% or less." While the percentage is small, the cost of scrapping repairable defects can raise part price and delay delivery. For those reasons, many world-class casting facilities strongly recommend that customers allow weld repair at the foundry's discretion.
Tags: Casting Defects, Welding
Eagle Alloy Unveils New Customer Training Center
MUSKEGON, MI - MAY 27, 2020 – Eagle Alloy is proud to announce our newly completed Multimedia Training Center. This facility will allow us to provide our customers with state-of-the-art training to go along with our plant tours and project discussions. Groups of up to 24* can relax and take in training and introductory presentations by our Sales, Engineering, Quality and Production department staffs.
Tags: Eagle Alloy
What You Need to Know about Weld Repair for Steel Castings
When done right, weld repaired castings are just as structurally and functionally sound as their non-welded counterparts. However, weld repair in steel castings is often misunderstood by casting customers. Some companies simply do not allow weld repair, and others place strict requirements on where weld repair can take place on a part. By better understanding the effects of weld repair on part appearance and functionality, casting customers can benefit from weld repair strategies that optimize cost, production time and part quality.
Tags: Casting Defects, Welding
ESOP at Eagle Alloy: Sharing Company Ownership
ESOPs are growing in popularity among businesses around the United States. They allow company owners to transfer ownership to employees by distributing stock, creating excellent retirement benefits and promoting stability and longevity for the company. Both Eagle Alloy and Eagle Precision have ESOPs in place.
Tags: Eagle Alloy, ESOP