John Workman

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Hydrant Guard Case Study: Concept to Completion Manufacturing by The Eagle Group
The Eagle Group is not the kind of manufacturing partner that turns away a challenge. When we were approached with a design that could revolutionize the American water industry, we pulled together our entire suite of knowledge, resources, and experience to turn a brilliant idea into a viable product.
The case of Hydrant Guard demonstrates a strong example of inter-company cooperation between Eagle CNC Technologies, Eagle Alloy, Eagle Precision Cast Parts and our customers. By leveraging the best of what each company has to offer, the Eagle Group was able to take the Hydrant Guard design to the next level, ensuring not only that it would work as required, but that it would stand head and shoulders above competitors.
Join Us at the Wings of Mercy Fundraiser – Saturday, June 9th at the Muskegon County Airport
Wings of Mercy is a charitable organization based in West Michigan that flies patients to their medical destinations who would not otherwise be able to travel there. Pilots and plane owners donate their time for each mission.
In 1991, Mark, Wayne Jarvis and I chose to offer our company plane to fly patients that Wings of Mercy would refer to us. Since then we have flown over 246,000 miles (about 10 times around the world) and over 1400 hours in the air. We have flown 361 flights since 1991 for Wings. Most flights are to Rochester, MN where the Mayo Clinic is located. We have also flown patients to Denver (a pediatric asthma specialist), Raleigh, NC (lung transfer specialists), Baltimore, Florida, Pennsylvania, Maine, Massachusetts, as well as many other locations. Wings of Mercy, and their 30 other planes and pilots, fly about 225 charitable flights per year.
Tags: Healthcare, Charity, Community